Welcome to day six of the Amelia Lane self care sew along series! For today I chose the Petite Stichery Arrow boxers. Generally I dislike sewing undies, but I love sewing up these boxers (https://petitestitchery.com/shop/adult-arrow-boxers-tights/) and as a bonus Troy loves them too!
Today, feel free to sew up any undergarment you'd like!
For these boxers, I used Teal ABP (https://www.amelialanedesigns.com/product-page/teal-athletic-brushed-poly-190gsm) from the shop, as well as an older ALD athletic print for the fly and gusset. I've also used jersey moss for the main portion.
To start you will want to measure and choose the size to print (or project). There are a few options you can decide between, I went with long boxers with a non-functional darted fly.
We are going to start by cutting our pattern and subsequently cutting our fabric.

We will then be working on constructing the fly. For the option I chose, folding each piece right sides together and sewing the angle closed. You will then want to line up the fly with the front of the main boxer. Right sides together. Then sewing along the curve on each side.

Next step is to sew in the gusset. Mark the center of your gusset, align this with the center of the fly. Clip the gusset in place, and then sew. Once sewn in on one side, repeat with the other side and sew in. You will now have a pair of "boxers" that we need to finish with a waistband and a hem.

I opted for a knit waistband, Troy finds it to be more comfy and I hardly ever have the right size elastic on hand so it's a win win! I went ahead and sewed on the waistband, putting the seam at the back and then folding band in half and placing the half point at the center front. At this time, I also went ahead and measured and pinned up the leg hem. Hem using your favorite method, and voila! Your boxers are done!
Since I had some left over fabric, I decided to make myself a pair of matching undies using the MyFit Underwear pattern. There are a few tweaks I still need to make to make them perfect, but ABP was WONDERFUL for them!

Thank you again for joining me! I cannot wait to see your makes over in the Amelia Lane group!