There are lots of places to get inspired by ALD fabrics and talented sewists, and we're adding one more!
Currently you can check out the New Arrivals Round Up Blog Posts or the Inspiration Page, both on the website at AmeliaLaneDesigns.com but neither of those are truly interactive!
Here's a chance to show off what you've made and ask questions of those that inspire you!
Join the Amelia Lane Designs Facebook Group and check out the new albums that I'll be uploading this week! I’ll be uploading Facebook Photo Albums in two series.
Fabric Library
In this series of albums you’ll find the fabrics that Amelia Lane Designs carries! This way we can update in-stock/sold-out/re-stocked status and you can use these images to plan your makes, like Brittanie’s idea to pin all the fabrics in her stash! Link to her post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ALDfabric/permalink/533551803844892/
These albums will be maintained by the ALD Team and will just contain fabrics, not makes.
Brag Bin
These albums are there for anyone who wants to share their makes to inspire others, or be inspired by others!
I’m getting these albums started by uploading some of the photos we already had permission to use but feel free to add your photos anytime! This doesn't mean you can't post to the wall anymore, please continue to share! But you can also upload to the album if you like!
For the photos I’m uploading, I’m tagging the sewist and using a #FabricName to make it easier to search for inspiration and ask the sewist questions or for advice. Feel free to do the same but it’s not required! Here's some helpful hints on how to upload your photos!
Uploading your makes to the Brag Bin
From your phone:

Go to the ALD Facebook Group, Scroll across to Albums

Choose the Album you want to upload to. Right now there is only one album because I wanted to explain before I start adding the other albums. You'll see options for each fabric base. So if you're sharing a project you made with French Terry, you'd want to choose Brag Bin - French Terry

Click the add photos button and it will open your phone's camera roll

Select the photos you want to upload. They'll number themselves in the order you select them. Click Done.

To caption the photos with all the same caption, type your comments in the "say something about this" field. add #FabricName for example Gwen is wearing Blythe liverpool in the top right photo so I might type something like: "Made a twirly circle skirt with #Blythe". Click upload to post.
If you want to customize different captions for each photo your uploading, click on one of the photos and it will open them in a linear column with room to individualize the caption under each one. Then click done.

From your computer

From the ALD group page click photos

Click albums and then select the album you'd like to upload to. Right now there is only one album because I wanted to explain before I start adding the other albums. You'll see options for each fabric base. So if you're sharing a project you made with French Terry, you'd want to choose Brag Bin - French Terry

This opens all the photos currently in that album. Click "Add photos/videos" to add your photos to this album. It will open you computer's file explorer and you find and select the photos on your hard drive you'd like to upload.

Once you click upload your photos will be displayed with room underneath each one to caption them individually. To make it searchable add #FabricName
For example: Earlier the photo was of Gwen wearing Blythe liverpool so I might type something like: "Made a twirly circle skirt with #Blythe". Click upload to post and you're done!
Can't wait to see what you've made!