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Little Dreamer: Split Sleeves

I just love easy adjustments to patterns I already own. The best part about this Little Dreamer or Dream Tee hack is there is no alterations to the pattern. Cut out all the patterns pieces according to the instructions. For this one I used the elbow sleeve option.

First, measure in one inch from the neckline. Mark it with a pin.

Next measure in one and half inches from the end of the sleeve and pin. The extra half inch is for the hem of the sleeve and to keep the split even in length.

So that its easier to see where to stop sewing also mark at one inch and one and a half inches with a marker or a pencil.

I used my serger for this part but you can also use a sewing machine if you are more comfortable. Sew from the end of the sleeve to the mark and from the neckline to the mark. I sew very slow and look in between my needle and the foot to see when my needle reaches the mark.

Now we need to hem the split! I turned the shirt right side out and used washaway Wonder tape to secure my 1/4 inch hem and to make it easier to sew. Pinning would work also but using the tape was quick.

Using my coverstitch machine I sewed 1/4 inch hem. When you reach the seam, straighten the sleeve to make one continuous straight line to sew.

Turn your shirt wrong side back out and finish your shirt by following the directions. Sew your side seams then hem your sleeves and the bottom.

Finally, your all done and it's ready to be tried on.

If you haven't purchased the Little Dreamer yet here's the link. It is such a quick and easy sew. It looks great sewn as intended but is super simple to modify for hacks.

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